maandag 30 mei 2011

Google Earth top 10: Prehistoric sites

Google Earth is just about the best free toy anyone ever handed out! I can spend hours and hours rediscovering places I have visited, or discovering places I have never been to. 

Archaeology buffs like me have an absolute field day with Google Earth: ruined cities and ancient structures look absolutely amazing seen from above and many of these places are in areas that are very inaccessible anyway: on mountain tops, in deserts or in war-tornm countries. 

Here is a first top 10 of my favourite archaological sites on Google Earth! Starting with Prehistory, of course. Sites with an * behind the name indicate places I have been to.

10: Catal Hoyuk, Turkey

9: Hunebedden, Drenthe, Netherlands *

8: Barnenez tomb, Bretagne, France *

7: Skara Brae, Orkney Islands, UK

6: Barumini, Sardinia, Italy

5: Callanish, Harris, UK

4: New Grange, Ireland

3: Stonehenge, Wiltshire, UK *

2: Carnac, Bretagne, France *

1: Avebury, Wilthsire, UK *

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