zondag 26 juni 2011

Google Earth top 10: World archaelogy

Some archeological sites look absolutely amazing as seen from the sky. Many of these places are in remote areas that I do not think I will ever visit. But through Google Earth I can experience these places, and be amazed by the scale of some of the ancient sites. When you visit a site in person you are barely aware of the fact that you only get to see a tiny portion of the entire site. Google Earth reveals the true extent of some of the ancient cities. Here are ten of my favourites.

10. Sanchi, India

9. Chaco Canyon, USA

8. Teotihuacan, Mexico

7. Takht-e-Soleyman, Iran

6. Chan Chan, Peru

5. Palmyra, Syria

4. Pompeii, Italy *

3. Borobudur, Indonesia *

2.Tikal, Guatemala

1. Angkor, Cambodia

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